Thursday, February 3, 2011

Chitterling Sushi (yes, sushi made with chitterlings)

I did this about two years ago but figured it was worth digging up. My brother and I made jokes about "Negro-fyin'" sushi, then debuting it in Japan, where he lives. The original concept involved nori made from dried collard greens, dirty rice rolled around what else but the Black-est of Black American dishes...chitterlings. Well, I don't have the skills to make nori, kelp or otherwise...getting perlo rice to stick is nigh impossible if you make it right (I'm TERRIBLE with rice in general and wasn't willing to risk the experiment on my first shot at making sushi rice) so I bought it from a local sushi spot. I used some nori that I'd brought back from Japan my previous trip over and this is what came out.
It was my first time making sushi, and unfortunately, the Chinese clever I was using wasn't quite sharp enough to get a clean cut, so the rolls ended up a bit flattened. Flavor wise, I was pleasantly surprised. The vinegar in the rice cut the fatty flavor of the chitterlings well. I add lime to mine anyway, but the extra bit of tang didn't hurt. Definitely better than a natto roll...

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